There is a lot going on right now. Both in the world and in all of our personal lives. We wanted to take a moment and check in- How are you?
Our goal at ITADI is not only to create effective, clean, quality products for your skin- but to also remind you of your power in making a way of life of living well. With so much information coming at us all, all day every day its easy to lose sight of what’s most important- YOU! Learning to trust your instincts and listening when the right things call you. It starts with mindfulness and awareness.
Here are a couple things that may help..
- Grab your journal or get to typing- but first ask yourself “how are you?”. See what comes up. Write it/type it- but be honest! This is the time to be vulnerable with your self. Remember- it’s a safe space.
- Right now, stop what you’re doing, close your eyes. Just sit with yourself for 1 minute. Becoming aware of your body and what sensations you’re feeling. Count to 5 as you breathe in- hold for 5, then breath out for 5. Now, how does your body feel?
- Consider adding a daily meditation to your schedule. We know meditation is not easy! It’s not supposed to be. But there are so many studies showing how healing and helpful it is. There are many apps available to help create a practice. Or perhaps its just you and your breath. It doesn’t have to be a long meditation- it can be short. Just start somewhere. Do what you can. It’s better than not doing it.
Maybe you are already in your journey and maybe you’re figuring out how to start. Wherever you are is where you’re supposed to be. Things are going to get hard. But they will also get better- always! We hope these tools are helpful.
Live well and keep glowing.